Java for mac mojave
Java for mac mojave

  1. Java for mac mojave install#
  2. Java for mac mojave software#
  3. Java for mac mojave code#

# TOOLS FOR MAKING VENN DIAGRAMS > install.packages("VennDiagram") also installing the dependencies ‘formatR’, ‘lambda.r’, ‘futile.options’, ‘futile.logger’ > install.packages("bvenn") > install.packages("colorfulVennPlot") > install.packages("venn") > install.packages("venneuler") also installing the dependency ‘rJava’ > install.packages("UpSetR") # Tidyverse (this adds most of the common tools/applications) > install.packages("tidyverse") also installing the dependencies ‘colorspace’, ‘sys’, ‘ps’, ‘highr’, ‘markdown’, ‘xfun’, ‘zeallot’, ‘labeling’, ‘munsell’, ‘RColorBrewer’, ‘askpass’, ‘rematch’, ‘prettyunits’, ‘processx’, ‘knitr’, ‘yaml’, ‘htmltools’, ‘evaluate’, ‘base64enc’, ‘tinytex’, ‘utf8’, ‘vctrs’, ‘backports’, ‘generics’, ‘reshape2’, ‘assertthat’, ‘glue’, ‘pkgconfig’, ‘R6’, ‘Rcpp’, ‘tidyselect’, ‘BH’, ‘plogr’, ‘DBI’, ‘ellipsis’, ‘digest’, ‘gtable’, ‘lazyeval’, ‘plyr’, ‘scales’, ‘viridisLite’, ‘withr’, ‘curl’, ‘mime’, ‘openssl’, ‘clipr’, ‘cellranger’, ‘progress’, ‘callr’, ‘fs’, ‘rmarkdown’, ‘whisker’, ‘selectr’, ‘stringi’, ‘fansi’, ‘pillar’, ‘broom’, ‘cli’, ‘crayon’, ‘dplyr’, ‘dbplyr’, ‘forcats’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘haven’, ‘hms’, ‘httr’, ‘jsonlite’, ‘lubridate’, ‘magrittr’, ‘modelr’, ‘purrr’, ‘readr’, ‘readxl’, ‘reprex’, ‘rlang’, ‘rstudioapi’, ‘rvest’, ‘stringr’, ‘tibble’, ‘tidyr’, ‘xml2’ # Cowplot (formatting for ggplot outputs and panels, yes its a love/hate thing) > install.packages("cowplot") # gridExtra > install.packages("gridExtra") # gdata > install.packages("gdata") also installing the dependency ‘gtools’ # data.table > install.packages("data.table") # maptools > install.packages("maptools") also installing the dependency ‘sp’ # maps > install.packages("maps") # PBSmapping > install.packages("PBSmapping") # psych (provides a geometric mean method) > install.packages("psych") also installing the dependency ‘mnormt’ # Hmisc > install.packages("Hmisc") also installing the dependencies ‘checkmate’, ‘htmlwidgets’, ‘Formula’, ‘latticeExtra’, ‘acepack’, ‘htmlTable’, ‘viridis’ Once installed open the application (Applications>R).

Java for mac mojave install#

To install open the install package (R-3.6.0.pkg) and follow the prompts.

java for mac mojave java for mac mojave

(current version is R-3.6.0, Planting of a Tree, ). To download, search google for "R download" and follow the links to a CRAN download page of your choosing.ĭownload by clicking the " Download R for (Mac) OS X" link to the pre-compiled binary.

Java for mac mojave software#

R is free software that supports a multitude of statistical and graphic applications.

Java for mac mojave code#

It is an excellent code editor but more importantly it contains the application "make" that you will need to install most ngs applications.Ĭ) Follow the prompts to install ( WARNING - IT is big and will take a while, even on a fast connection) This is software provided by Apple that is used for building applications for Mac computers or iOS devices. # This ensures when a vim window closes the edited text disappears export TERM=xterm # Define PATH locations # export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH # Configure Window Naming Function #Window Naming Function function winname # Alias # This alias allows you to type "ll" in the terminal to execute "ls -lh" alias ll='ls -lh' # Remote connections # These alias's are examples that open connections to a computation resource (standard or ftp connections shown) alias computer='ssh alias cftp='sftp save updated profile (press "esc" then ":w" then ":q"

Java for mac mojave